Uloga vazdušnog tovarnog lista
The air waybill is a document that is not negotiable and is a consignment note for the shipper where one can find information regarding the shipper, the consignee, the shipment items along with their value and routing, etc. An vazdušni tovarni listpomaže u praćenju i praćenju pošiljke i smatra se prijemom robe za koju je aviokompanija preuzela svoj prevoz. Dalje, vazdušni tovarni list takođe pomaže u carinjenju i koristan je tokom kretanja pošiljke.
Značaj u međunarodnoj špediciji
The air waybill has numerous uses in international shipping and it’s difficult to do without it. First, an air waybill advocates for the integrity and accountability of parties involved ensuring that details of the shipment are recorded and available to all parties. This also minimizes difficulties with customs as the relevant documentation is already at hand. Furthermore, when the parcel is lost or damaged, the air waybill is an important document for making up claims and starting insurance procedures.
Tengen Proizvodi serije
Tengen is engaged in the packing business and provides comprehensive solutions to international export-oriented shipping. For example, our air waybill is designed in a manner to be with high tolerance and sealed to guarantee that shipping information is reasonable protected at all time. Tengen's protective air packaging materials and cushion wrap protect and minimize the chances of breakage of fragile items during delivery.
Slično tome, Tengen-ove papirne poštanske kese i rolne kraft papira su takođe pogodne za izvoz u rasutom stanju, jer njihova jaka, ali lagana konstrukcija zadovoljava ekološke zahteve. Naša ambalaža ne samo da pruža pokriće za sadržaj, već i podržava zelene prakse u logističkom poslovanju.